Hello! My name is Kriste and I just graduated with my Master's in Counseling Psychology. I finished up my year long practicum and I am currently waiting for my Intern number. I am kind of in limbo right now while I wait. I work at a large psychiatric medical group here in Southern California and my boss has graciously has offered me a paid internship but I am still not completely sure what I will be doing. My boss is very flexible so I am thinking I will be able to create an Internship that will work. I will probably be doing a lot of case management and therapy with clients who have severe and persistent mental illness. This will be quite different from my practicum where I worked with people who were homeless and living in transitional housing. Their concerns were mostly social and not biological. It will be a shift for me but I am up for the challenge. I am very excited, anxious, and slightly terrified as I think about transitioning into this new role at my work and in my life. I have worked at my job since 2000 doing office work. I have done billing, accounting, provider relations, case management, front office work, you name it, I've done it. This has given me so much experience with the business side of therapy. I am so excited to move to the other side of the therapy room door.
I wanted to start this blog for several reasons. First off, writing is so therapeutic for me and I do not do nearly enough. Honestly, I never journal or anything anymore. I have been so busy juggling work, school, practicum and my hubby and two kids that I had very little time to do anything for myself. Totally counterproductive but its the reality of it all. So I want to start blogging as a way to work through the issues and challenges that come up during the process of becoming an MFT. I also wanted to do this blog as a way to hold myself accountable. I have a strong desire to be a therapist with integrity. I want to practice what I preach. Hence the name of this blog. I want to "walk the therapeutic talk" I will admit that I fall short everyday. I want to be able to ask my clients to grow and change knowing that I too am growing and changing. I feel like this is the only way to be truly authentic. Jeffery Kottler writes
" A therapist who is vibrant, inspirational, and charismatic; who is sincere, loving and nurturing; and who is wise, confident and self-disciplined will have a dramatic impact through the sheer force and power of her essence, regardless of her theoretical allegiances" (Kottler, 2003).
I remember vividly when I read these words in my first semester of graduate school. It stopped me right in my tracks. It was so encouraging and terrifying all in one. I was encouraged that who I was as a person is what can truly empower my clients but I was terrified that I would not live up to the person he is describing. That person is my goal. I am hoping that this blog will help me stay accountable to working towards this goal. I am also hoping that it can encourage other mental health workers to be authentic and strive to become their best self. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to this journey!!
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